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即日起至95年6月30日止前五萬名全通路新申辦亞太行動門號及手機之用戶,免費贈送來電答鈴 Color Ring 一個月免月租(NT$30)。
聯絡單位:國防部人力司 林思秀小姐/查慧琳小姐/左少雄少校/蔡營生專委
聯絡地址:10099 台北郵政第014-00330號信箱
※收件人:國防部人力司 人力規劃處
聯絡窗口:國防訓儲專案辦公室 莊小姐/卓小姐
申訴專線:(02)2735-8980 卓小姐(供申訴專用,諮詢服務請使用諮詢電話)
e-mail :mndsys@iii.org.tw
15. | 請問本公司至目前為止都沒有申請過國防訓儲人員,是否可接收錄用其他公司因經營問題所釋放出之人員? |
Ans: | 1、國防工業訓儲人員調整工作單位須經國防部專業審查委員會審查認可之國防工業單位之機構,貴公司宜請妥擬研究計畫配合年度訓儲員額申請。 2、相關員額申請作業流程請至國防部訓儲網站(rondi.mnd.gov.tw)查詢。 3.訓儲人員依個人意願不能完成契約行為,國防部將以臨召回役補服應盡義務。 |
19. | 請問訓儲人員是否可以因公派國外出差或私人旅遊? |
Ans: | 1、依「國防工業訓儲預備軍官預備士官甄選作業要點」第十二點:凡出國進修、公務、會議及休假等均應副知國防部。 2、請用人單位上資訊系統登錄出國資料,完成報備手續,該員得以出境。 |
When: 2006年7月11日星期二 上午 08:30-下午 12:30 (GMT+08:00) 台北。
Where: 台中市黎明路二段503號7樓(廉明樓)
The information in this e-mail, and attachment(s) thereto, is strictly confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the named recipient(s), and access to this e-mail, or any attachment(s) thereto, by anyone else is unauthorized.
When: 2006年7月11日星期二 下午 08:30 到 2006年7月12日星期三 上午 12:30 (GMT+08:00) 台北。
Where: 台中市黎明路二段503號7樓(廉明樓)
The information in this e-mail, and attachment(s) thereto, is strictly confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the named recipient(s), and access to this e-mail, or any attachment(s) thereto, by anyone else is unauthorized.
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
This is a theme that I made using some crafty javascript. It replaces the normal text emoticons with some cute icons. | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
This theme is modeled after the windows Blue Screen of Death | |
Download With Emoticons (482 Downloads) | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
My friend was bugging me to make this theme. Basically it is a theme where the user's message is like a php script with highlighted syntax. | |
Download With Emoticons (384 Downloads) | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
This is a theme modeled after the social news bookmarking site Digg.Com. | |
Download With Emoticons (284 Downloads) | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
I was thinkin' about Star Wars so I decided to write this theme. | |
Download With Emoticons (269 Downloads) | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
This is my first go at making themes. This is the theme I made by editing BubblePicture. | |
Download With Emoticons (232 Downloads) | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
This is a theme that I wrote to simulate the look of the windows 9x message boxes | |
Download With Emoticons (207 Downloads) | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
I wrote a windows 9x one so I thought I would take a go at an XP one... This one was a little harder though... | |
Download With Emoticons (200 Downloads) | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
This is a theme to simulate the look of lined paper. | |
Download With Emoticons (172 Downloads) | |
Author: Anthony (Me) | |
Due to request I decided to remake this google talk theme with emoticons. | |
下載PSI。官方網站:http://psi-im.org/download。windows用戶建議下載網頁中的 Windows Zip Archive (2.96 MB),可以免安裝。 確定已退出gtalk,運行psi主程序,點擊左下角的菜單「account setup」添加你的gtalk帳號,如附件圖一、二,對account和connect進行設置,然後保存。 點擊列表中的帳號,並上線,此時點左下角的菜單「services discovery」在address中輸入服務器地址jabber.cn,點右邊的browse,會出現服務器列表,選擇 msn等IM協議,點右鍵菜單「register」輸入msn帳號及密碼,並註冊。 一些國外的服務器: 如果上述賬號不好用,你可以去 http://imfederation.com/networks.html 試試更多的服務器。
關掉psi,登陸gtalk,接受msn好友的添加請求。然後就可以與他們在gtalk中聊天了,當然,在gmail talk中也可以。同時,msn聊天記錄也一樣可以保存在gmail中。目前,通過jabber.cn添加yahoo、icq不成功,也許換個服務器能解 決。
取消msn在gmail中導入的方法:在Psi的主窗口中,在「Agents/Transports」中的「msn.jabber.anywise.com」上右鍵選擇:Authorization → Remove authorization from 即可。 | |